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  • Sequence of Movement

    The performing person stands behind the addressed person and strokes slowly with the flat hand in a circular motion over the back of the addressed person. This movement is performed several times and begins between the shoulder blades.

    Shape of hand

    Flache, ausgestreckte Hand. Die Finger locker abgespreizt.



    Area of Use


  • Sequence of Movement

    The performing person stands behind the person being addressed and slowly strokes the upper arm of the person with the flat of his hand in a circular motion. This movement is performed several times and begins under the shoulder.

    Shape of hand

    Flache, ausgestreckte Hand. Die Finger locker abgespreizt.



    Area of Use


  • Sequence of Movement

    Both discussion partners sit down opposite and with the dominant hand the back of the hand of the addressed person is stroked several times.

    Shape of hand

    Flache, ausgestreckte Hand. Die Finger locker abgespreizt.



    Area of Use


IS: relaxed

relaxed (IS)

Free from mental stress; being calm.


You seem to be very relaxed today.