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  • Sequence of Movement

    Both hands are formed into loose fists, whereby on the left hand the index, middle and ring fingers remain extended, on the right hand only the index finger. With the fingertips of the three stretched fingers of the left hand one now moves in a very short diagonal movement from top right to bottom left over the middle of the upper back. This movement is continued, but for the most part only with the index finger of the active hand. At the end of the movement, at the lower end of the shoulder blade, keep the fingertip on your back. Then make an opposite movement with the index finger of the right hand. Hereby you make a diagonal line from top left to bottom right - also in the middle of the upper back. At the end of this movement, the tip of the index finger also remains on the back. Finally, move both fingertips in several small movements backwards on their original path and thus move both fingers against each other diagonally upwards (cutting movement).

    Shape of hand

    Daumen und kleiner Finger berühren sich, Zeige-, Mittel- und Ringfinger fast komplett ausgestreckt und abgespreizt.
    Zeigefinger ausgestreckt.


    Area of use


  • Sequence of Movement

    Both hands are shaped so that the index and middle fingers form a V each and all other fingers are loosely angled. Both hands are now placed on the upper back in such a way that the backs of the stretched fingers touch the respective shoulder blades and the fingertips point towards the spine. The right hand is slightly higher than the left. Both hands are now moved simultaneously in short, brisk movements against each other, i.e. towards the middle of the back.

    Shape of hand

    Zeigefinger und Mittelfinger ausgestreckt und gespreizt.



    Area of use


IS: restaurant

restaurant (IS)

An eatery that offers food and drinks.


The Italian restaurant around the corner is very good.