Sequence of movement
The index finger and middle finger of the right hand are curled. The other fingers are curled. Now the two fingers tap the lower part of the left shoulder blade of the person addressed twice with the fingertips.
Shape of hand
Area of use
Sequence of movement
First, both hands form the L-hand shape. Here, the index finger and thumb are spread apart from each other at a 90 degree angle. The remaining fingers remain curled. The thumbs of both hands and the index fingers of both hands touch and rest on the left shoulder blade of the person being addressed. The index fingers are over the thumbs here. Now the index finger and thumb separate and the left hand moves a few centimeters to the left. The movement stops here. However, the fingers do not leave the back. At the same time, the right hand also moves to the right and stops when it reaches the right shoulder blade. Now the respective index fingers and thumbs move towards each other until they touch. The shape of a keyboard was drawn on the back. Following this, the hands release. The left hand starts again at the starting point with the L-hand shape. The right hand detaches from the back and draws the lowercase letter s in the lower left corner of the rectangle just drawn. Finally, the curved index finger of the right hand taps on the lowercase s.
Shape of hand
Area of use
Sequence of movement
The right hand forms the G-hand shape. Here, only the index finger is rolled out. All other fingers rest against the hand. The hand touches the person addressed on the left shoulder blade in such a way that the complete back of the index finger touches the shoulder blade. Now the finger is pushed a small distance horizontally to the left. Finally, the curved index finger of the right hand taps the spot just marked.
Shape of hand
Area of use