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  • Sequence of movement

    The right hand is formed into a loose fist with the thumb resting on the side. Now the hand with the side where the fingers are tilted forward is placed on the upper right shoulder blade of the person addressed. This symbolizes grasping a steering wheel. Steering is represented in several small semicircular movements to the right and left.

    Shape of hand

    Die Finger bilden eine Faust, der Daumen seitlich aufgelegt.



    Area of use


  • Sequence of movement

    Both hands are formed into loose fists, with the thumbs resting on each side. Now the hands are placed on the upper back of the person addressed with the sides on which the fingers are tilted forward at a slight distance from each other. This symbolizes grasping a steering wheel from above. Steering is represented in several synchronously executed small movements to the right and left.

    Shape of hand

    Die Finger bilden eine Faust, der Daumen seitlich aufgelegt.



    Area of use


IS: car

car (IS)

Road vehicle steered by a steering wheel, with a body and rubber-tired wheels, powered by an engine.


I parked the car near the house.
