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    Squence of Movement

    With thumb and index finger a cross is drawn on the right or left shoulder. The fingertips of both fingers are about 2 cm apart. A second movement is performed on the right wrist of the person being addressed. Here the index and middle finger are spread apart in a V-shape and spread around the wrist of the person so that it is between the two fingers. In this position, you now make a rocking movement up and down several times in a row.

    Shape of hand

    Daumen und Zeigefinger formen ein "C".
    Zeigefinger und Mittelfinger ausgestreckt und gespreizt.


    Area of Use



    Sequence of Movement

    At the right wrist of the conversation partner is outlined several times with the thumb and index finger.

    Shape of hand

    Daumen und Zeigefinger formen ein "C".



    Area of Use


IS: doctor

doctor (IS)

A job title for people who have completed their medical studies and are allowed to treat sick people.


The doctor is in the room to examine you.