Sequence of movenent
The index finger and thumb of the right hand touch. The remaining fingers are curled. The hand is placed on the upper right arm of the person being addressed in such a way that the fingertips of the thumb touch it. Now the two fingers move away from each other horizontally until there are about 7 cm between them. Now both fingers move down along the upper arm. Arriving at the lower part of the upper arm, the fingers move towards each other again until they touch. A rectangle was drawn on the upper arm of the person being addressed. The same hand shape now starts in the middle of the rectangle and makes a writing movement, which is finished with a long stroke down along the upper arm.
Shape of hand
Area of use
Sequence of movement
First, both hands form an L-hand shape. Here, the index finger and thumb are spread apart from each other at a 90 degree angle. However, when performing the haptic sign, the index finger and thumb are slightly curved. The remaining fingers remain curled. The thumbs of both hands and the index fingers of both hands touch each other and come to rest between the shoulder blades of the person being addressed. The index fingers are here over the thumbs. Now the respective index fingers and thumbs separate from each other and both hands move outward a few centimeters. Now the movement is stopped and the index fingers and thumbs of the respective hands move towards each other until they touch. A rectangle has been drawn on the back. Both hands leave the back. The right hand keeps the end hand shape and draws a small cross with it in the rectangle. This cross is not drawn in the center, but offset to the right. When drawing the cross, first the vertical and then the horizontal part is drawn.
Shape of hand
Area of use
Sequence of movement
The index finger and thumb of the right hand touch. The remaining fingers are curled. The hand is placed on the upper right arm of the person being addressed in such a way that the fingertips of the thumb touch it. Now the two fingers move away from each other horizontally until there are about 7 cm between them. Now both fingers move down along the upper arm. Arriving at the lower part of the upper arm, the fingers move towards each other again until they touch. A rectangle was drawn on the upper arm of the person being addressed. The same hand shape now starts in the middle of the rectangle and makes a writing movement, which is finished with a long stroke down along the upper arm.
Shape of hand
Area of use