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  • Sequence of movement

    The fingertips of the left hand are placed loosely on the outer left shoulder blade of the person being addressed. The fingers are now alternately raised and lowered again in quick movements. At the same time, the hand is moved slightly horizontally to the right and left over the shoulder blade.

    Area of use


  • Sequence of movement

    The hand is formed into a V-hand, with the index and middle fingers bent like a claw, as is the thumb. The fingertips of the three fingers are now placed on the top outside of the right shoulder blade. Now turn the wrist several times in small movements to the right and left, so that the fingertips move almost in a semicircle on the shoulder blade.

    Area of use


  • Sequence of movement

    The index finger is loosely extended and a very small circle (rather a dot) is drawn on the outer right shoulder blade.

    Area of use


IS: consider

consider (IS)

Thinking about a situation, person, or thing in one's mind.


I considered for a long time whether the trip should take place.