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  • Sequence of movement

    The thumb and index finger of the hand are spread in a kind of V and slightly bent, while all other fingers are bent into a fist. Starting approximately at the lower left ribcage, both fingers now "climb" up the stairs to the upper right shoulder. In doing so, the fingers perform a kind of walking motion. In the same motion, the fingers can also descend the stairs, starting at the upper right shoulder blade, down to the lower left rib.

    Shape of hand

    Zeigefinger und Mittelfinger ausgestreckt und gespreizt.



    Area of use


  • Sequence of movement

    The thumb and index finger of the hand are spread in a kind of V and slightly bent, while all other fingers are bent into a fist. Starting at about the elbow, both fingers now "climb" up the stairs toward the upper arm. The fingers perform a kind of walking movement. In the same movement, the fingers can also descend the stairs, starting at the upper arm, down to the elbow.

    Shape of hand

    Zeigefinger und Mittelfinger ausgestreckt und gespreizt.



    Area of use


IS: staircase

staircase (IS)

A staircase is an ascent or descent that consists of several steps and connects levels at different heights (for example, floors of a house).


We have to use the stairs because there is no elevator.